Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 4!

today was another fail- i didn't eat breakfast. i have such issues eating a balanced breakfast, since I for most of my life,i've never eaten breakfast.

so, no breakfast
turkey sandwich with cheese for lunch
dinner was 2 pieces of pizza and a beer (carb overload...)

the part of the day i'm proudest about is when my family whipped out the chips and started munching on them, i pulled out the strawberries and watermelon,sat them in front of me and snacked on the fruits until they were done eating their chips. I know I could have a few chips, but I am NOT that regimented and it could turn into a binge, so i restrained completely.

I also did day 4 of level 1 of the 30 day shred ,which went fast today! I listened to lady gaga while I did the level, which also helped pass the time. the hardest part of the entire workout is still those dark anterior raises w/ side lunges. i'm also a lot less sore today, the only thing that hurts is my knee and my left thigh...

this weekend is memorial day weekend, which means BBQ'ing and *usually* lots of over eating. Since i'm going to a farmer's market tomorrow, i'm going to stock up on veggies and healthy snacks for me to eat instead of eating like its my last meal, like holidays often least in my family!

so we'll see how that goes...

1 comment:

  1. I have completely failed these last few days... I cheated really bad.
