Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Days 5-8

Well, this weekend wasn't too bad....I ate as healthy as I could while at a picnic for memorial day weekend, which is really hard when it's all co-fo (comfort food, my family's specialty..ha ha!). So, I had a hot dog and hamburger on sunday, but I made up for that on monday with a salad and green beans for dinner.

In other news, I went to a local orchards,which sells tons of fresh fruit and veggies and and bought lots of delicious fruits and veggies! Man, do I love the fruits and vegetables that are out this time of year!

so, in conclusion, this weekend was a hard first weekend to start dieting and exercising during. but i'm not stressin' because I did the 30 day shred days 5 and 6 yesterday and today! So, I didn't fall off the wagon, like I usually would!

This weekend, (monday the 6th, actually) is my 21st birthday weekend, which is going to be extremely hard, since alcohol is chock full of calories. So, we'll see how that goes when it gets here.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 4!

today was another fail- i didn't eat breakfast. i have such issues eating a balanced breakfast, since I for most of my life,i've never eaten breakfast.

so, no breakfast
turkey sandwich with cheese for lunch
dinner was 2 pieces of pizza and a beer (carb overload...)

the part of the day i'm proudest about is when my family whipped out the chips and started munching on them, i pulled out the strawberries and watermelon,sat them in front of me and snacked on the fruits until they were done eating their chips. I know I could have a few chips, but I am NOT that regimented and it could turn into a binge, so i restrained completely.

I also did day 4 of level 1 of the 30 day shred ,which went fast today! I listened to lady gaga while I did the level, which also helped pass the time. the hardest part of the entire workout is still those dark anterior raises w/ side lunges. i'm also a lot less sore today, the only thing that hurts is my knee and my left thigh...

this weekend is memorial day weekend, which means BBQ'ing and *usually* lots of over eating. Since i'm going to a farmer's market tomorrow, i'm going to stock up on veggies and healthy snacks for me to eat instead of eating like its my last meal, like holidays often encourage..at least in my family!

so we'll see how that goes...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 3

Breakfast Oatmeal!
Today was an okay day. I have to say, that I did not get to eat lunch, which I know I should have not skipped, but I did because it was already 4pm by the time I got home, so I just ate dinner instead. Probably not a good idea to skip lunch...

Breakfast: I had a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries mixed in
Lunch: just a small wawa iced coffee and no food
Dinner: Small piece of chicken, these awesome mixed yellow.orange carrots from trader joes! and beans

I also did day 3 of level 1 of the 30 Day Shred...which was hard today! I reallly didn't want to do it. I was feeling un ambitious, after shopping for some clothes for my birthday which put me in a bad mood, because I want to fit into smaller sizes :( I swear they are cutting clothes smaller and smaller to make us feel horrible about ourselves. I haven't changed much at all since the fall,when I last shopped for clothes, and the clothes are cut smaller..weird! Must be the brand..or style...or me! So,when I got home at 9:30, after throwing the clothes in the washer, I did the shred and worked out while the clothes washed. It was hard today, I think it's because I am very sore, from days 1 and 2, but I persevered.

Part of the reason I didn't eat lunch is because I realized that my yogurt, has 20g of Sugar in it...which is a lot and it tastes too sweet! I think I am going to try greek yogurt. Any ever tried it?

Days 1 and 2

I haven't quite set many goals for myself, yet. All I know is I want to loose weight, and live a healthier lifestyle. Through the years, I have really 'greened' my living style, as far as soaps I use ( my fav natural soap is Funky Chunks! ), hair products, cleaning products, etc. But, I never tried to 'green' myself, my own body, the thing that should be most important. So, I started on Tuesday.

  • Ate watermelon,strawberries, blue berries and raspberries throughout the day.
  • Yogurt for Lunch
  • A handful of Almonds for a midday snack
  • Small bowl of soup for dinner
  • Day 1 of Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred
    • Level 1 on Tuesday completely kicked my ass. I was able to keep up, but man the 3rd circuit, with the anterior raise and side lunges are HARD. But I made it. At the end, My legs were jello, and it was hard to even walk up the stairs from the basement.


  • No Breakfast
  • Watermelon, strawberries,blueberries and rasberries for a midday snack
  • Dinner was a small piece of meat loaf, a spoon of potatoes and lots of corn.
  • Then, I had a trader joe's all natural frozen fruit bar, which is all fruit, and delicious and better for me than ice cream, which is aways a plus!
  • Day 2 of Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred
      • Today was not nearly as bad as the first day. I was sore as hell when I woke up in the morning. My arms hurt to even pick up my bottle of water, haha! Once I got going with the level, it was hard to stop,because everytime I thought about quitting, I said you only have 10 minutes left, or 5 minutes left. So that helps! Plus, I am always afraid Jillian will come out of the TV and kick my ass if I quit! Ha Ha.

There's always an introduction...

Well, I have struggled with being unhappy because of my weight by entire life, almost. When I was a kid, my parents and family nicknamed me stick, because I was
stick skinny' like a rail. Well, that lasted until I hit puberty, and in middle school, I was no longer a stick. I really thought at that time that I was fat, but looking back on it, I was just fuller than the thin girls. You know those types of girls who are naturally thin and petite and can eat whatever they want and never gain a pound? Yeah, they were my friends and I was envious of them. Soon after I was already feeling conscious of how I looked, I got bad acne, which took years to clear up( I actually just cleared it up last year!). So, I guess the acne took over, as far as being self-conscious.

    By the time I got to high school, I had enrolled in dance, and was so happy that dane kept me well toned, but I was still the bigger girl, compared to all those thin dancers. Finally,my high school boyfriend, who I met sophomore year is the one who really plumped me up. unknowingly, i'm sure. And at such a young age,for me, I had no idea what I was really doing to my body, I just wanted my boyfriend to like me, i think. So, the story goes, that anytime I  would go over to his house, he would always want to eat...he was always so hungry, sometimes I think he didn't eat much, even-though he was pretty overweight,too. So, I would eat too, every week, or sometimes twice a week, we'd eat greasy, cheesy,salty, fast food meals, of huge proportions. I'm not saying he's the reason i'm a bigger girl, because he's not. They were my own choices. Anyway, then I went off to college, and through the stress of being a commuter, and of college itself, I found a 'friend' in food. I wasn't doing well in classes,I wasn't happy with myself, and not having friends was tough, so my first year, I found food, and gained probably about 30 pounds,which is where I am today.

  Sometime in my sophomore year of college, I started to do Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred, and eat healthy, and i lost 10 pounds, and gained some serious muscles. But, it was 'too' much work, and I went back to my old lazy ways of complaining about being heavy, but not holding myself accountable.

So here I am today, on day 3 of the 30 day shred again, eating healthier, and wanting to loose weight and become a woman I can be proud of. I am turning 21 in 11 days, and by that time I want to be feeling better about myself. I want to go into my 21st year of life, and into adulthood feeling nothing but good bout myself. So, I want to thank Angie from My So Called Choas and Health Not to Health Nut for inspiring me to want to do this, and for sharing thestory that inspired her, which is Tricia, who gave herself 21 days to make a lifestyle change,eat healthy and loose weight, and at the end if she hated it, she gave herself an out, but she wound up loosing 128 pounds after she stuck with it! Check out her before/after pictures, because they are seriously inspiring!

So here I am. I am finally getting my life together, and I want to loose weight, and more than anything, make a life style change.